South Downs Planetarium

Astronomical And Science Links

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NASA brings you images, videos and interactive features from the unique perspective of America's space agency.

BBC The Sky at Night :

Chris Lintott and Maggie Aderin-Pocock and their team of astronomers tell us what's on view in the night sky.

British Astronomical Association :

Britain's leading organisation for observational astronomy.

Space Weather :

The best site for current space events.

BBC Sky at Night and Stargazing Live :

A collection of the best astronomy images.

Society for Popular Astronomy :

We aim to make stargazing fun!

Heavens Above :

Great for planning an evenings viewing.

Cloudy Nights :

The astronomy forum, find the answers.

British and Irish Meteorite Society :

UK based space rock collectors.

A UK based astronomy forum dedicated not only to anyone interested in astronomy, but also to the thousands of us out there that are either thinkers, or 'doers'.

UK Telescopes, Evergreen Optics:

Supplier of Telescopes etc.